Fat Cavitation works using a low-frequency ultrasound which subjects fat cell membranes to a strong wave of pressure. The fat cells can’t withstand this pressure and turn into liquid, free fatty acids. The body then moves the fatty acids through the lymphatic system and the liver, to be naturally metabolised by the body. The result is immediate centimetre loss.
Using a combination of cavitation and radio frequency to breakdown fat and visibly tighten skin. It works in three phases: drainage, reduction and firming-up. It’s a non-surgical approach that uses radiofrequency energy to liquefy fat cells and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin – leaving your skin looking smoother, with less visible dimpling, lumps and bumps.
Skin tightening is used to tighten up loose skin caused by ageing, pregnancy, weight loss and even genetics. The Micro and Macro Focused Ultrasound energies of Ulfit, penetrates deep within multiple skin layers to tighten and lift, whilst radio frequency energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin – visibly tightening, toning and rejuvenating the skin.
This is where we start with the Fat Cavitation and after that is completed we move on to the skin tightening treatment.
Not at all! Most clients consider the procedure painless and comfortable. During the treatment you will feel a soothing heat in the targeted area. A little “blushing” or reddening may occasionally appear but it does not cause pain. The heat generated is perfectly tolerable. There may be a slight discomfort in your ears due to the low frequency ultrasound noise experienced, but it poses no harm and disappears as soon as you are not in contact with the transducer. The treatment can be compared to the feeling of finishing an intense workout.
Most clients experience a reduction in circumference after the first session, with increasing results after each visit but especially after the third treatment and onward. The results may vary from person to person with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet, adequate water intake and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain your results. Results will continue to improve for several weeks following the last treatment session. You will continue to metabolize fat for up to twelve weeks, which means that, as most people do not make new fat cells in later life, the loss can be permanent. This procedure will also leave you with firmer, smoother looking skin than before, due to the inclusion of Radio Frequency Therapy, which encourages the fibroblasts within the skin to produce collagen.
You are able to return to your normal activities immediately. It is performed as a walk in, walk out treatment and there is no lengthy recovery period as with surgical fat removal. Treatment is generally considered by most people to be painless, with no pain or discomfort post-treatment. A mild tingling and/or warm sensation have been reported during treatment. There are very few documented side effects to date, although bruising is considered to be rare and if it occurs will be very mild, some redness and mild swelling may be noticed for a very short time post-treatment.
Between 3 and 12 sessions may be required. This depends on body mass and circumference size, age, hormonal balance, medications and your desired goals. Incorporating the eating suggestions included in your program will reduce the number of treatments that may be needed. Maintenance treatments are recommended after your initial sessions. We recommend monthly treatments for 4 treatments, then you can move onto every 4 months to maintain your new shape.
Ultrasound frequencies cause thousands of microscopic air bubbles to surround the lipocyte (fat cell) membranes and with vibration, the bubbles create enough pressure to cause the fat cells to break up instantly. The contents of the broken lipocytes are then moved through the lymphatic system to the liver and are safely metabolized and excreted from the body, assisted by drinking plenty of water both the day of treatment and on subsequent days. The procedure works best to remove superficial fat layers and fat accumulation that is non-volumetric. Results can be noticed after the first treatment with more significant improvement noticed within a few days. Each treatment builds upon the previous treatment.
Yes, but because the procedures are non-invasive and work with your body’s natural elimination and detoxification processes, results are not as immediate as surgical liposuction. Fat is removed gently without harming the vascular system and without post-operative symptoms such as scarring and pain.
The therapy uses low-level ultrasound to emulsify fat. Cavitation means the breaking down of the fatty tissue. Noninvasive, non-surgical “liposuction” means the fat will be removed in a natural fashion through the lymphatic and urinary systems at the pace your body will decide it can tolerate.
The Ultrasound Body Cavitation emulsifies fat and converts solid fat into a liquid substance that is easy to remove through the lymphatic and urinary systems. Some of the melted fat will be used for energy and the rest will be excreted through the urine and sweat – that is why drinking water is essential. If you do not drink adequate water before and after each treatment, it will be harder for your system to remove the fat. You may notice an increase in urination after each session.
Yes. It’s a non-surgical procedure, without anesthesia, non-invasive and allows you to carry on with your social life before and after the sessions. There is no down-time! You can even have this in your lunch break and go back to work.
Because you are reducing fat deposits you may experience some loss in weight but Ultrasound Body Cavitation itself is not a weight loss treatment. It is however, very successful in targeting specific areas of fat that you want to reduce. It is great for sculpting your figure and enhances your silhouette by reducing stubborn pockets of fat without the need for invasive surgery such as surgical liposuction. Reason why we call it "non-surgical liposuction".
Our system is ideal for people who are dissatisfied with certain areas of fatty deposits but do not want to undergo any invasive surgical treatment like liposuction. A good candidate is someone looking for fat removal from a specific area such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, legs, buttocks, flanks or arms. The treatment does not necessarily result in overall weight loss, but results in improved shape & contour and size reduction in the treatment area. If you are currently following a healthy diet or a good weight loss plan, results will be more significant and weight loss will more likely occur. Great results can be obtained for those who have up to 25 – 30 pounds or less to lose.
Ultrasound Cavitation is ideal for those who have tried to shift the stubborn fatty bulges with diet or exercise and are aiming for a smoother and more balanced shape. Ultrasound Cavitation “Liposuction” body contouring is not a treatment for morbid obesity nor is it a weight loss cure. If a significant amount of surplus fat exists, we recommend successfully dieting before beginning the treatment program. A consultation will determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedures.
Individuals with acute or contagious disease, HIV, a history of cancer, kidney failure, liver failure, fatty liver, implant devices such as pacemakers or electrical prosthesis, epilepsy or MS should not undergo ultrasound cavitation non-surgical “liposuction”. Pregnancy and breast-feeding are also contraindications for this procedure. Anyone with active contagious skin conditions will not be allowed to undergo treatments. It is also best to wait three to six months after a surgical procedure in the target area. In which areas is the ultrasonic cavitation more effective? All parts of the body where localized adiposity resides; therefore legs, abdomen, thighs, bra-line and back of arms are the most appropriate sites but there’s no real limitation regarding body areas.
It is best to schedule your appointments a week apart and no closer than four days apart. It is essential to allow your body enough time to metabolize and excrete fats and waste materials after each session.